J2024Dara1Journal2024Deep-Learning Model for Mortality Prediction of ICU Patients with Paralytic IleusDeep Learning
C2024Tran1Conference2024Board 433: Work in Progress: Improving Students’ Decision-Making Behavior in Choosing an Engineering PathwayEngineering Education
J2023Shah1Journal2023Deep Learning Approach for Predicting Good Neurological Outcome for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest PatientsDeep Learning
C2023Dara1Conference2023Board 375: Reporting the Progress and Performance Evaluation of an Ongoing Integrated Program for Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of High-Achieving, Low-income Engineering StudentsEngineering Education
C2023Omit1Conference2023Work in Progress: Engineering Identity Development after Two Years of Undergraduate EducationEngineering Education
C2023Ghos1Conference2023Board 315: Improving Students’ Decision-Making Behavior in Choosing an Engineering PathwayEngineering Education
J2022Thei1Journal2022Improving Predictive Process Monitoring Through Reachability Graph-Based Masking of Neural NetworksDeep Learning
J2022Harf1Journal2022Utilizing community level factors to improve prediction of out of hospital cardiac arrest outcome using machine learningMachine Learning
J2022Pish1Journal2022A process mining-deep learning approach to predict survival in a cohort of hospitalized COVID‐19 patientsProcess Mining
J2022Pish2Journal2022Improving process discovery algorithms using event concatenationProcess Mining
C2022Naze1Conference2022An Integrated Program for Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of Academically Talented Low-Income Engineering Students: Lessons Learned and Progress ReportEngineering Education
J2022Pish3Journal2022Prediction of unplanned 30-day readmission for ICU patients with heart failureProcess Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
J2022Nels1Journal2022Impacts on Students’ Academic Performance due to Emergency Transition to Remote Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Financial Engineering Course Case StudyEngineering Education
J2022Harf2Journal2022A machine learning approach for modeling decisions in the out of hospital cardiac arrest care workflowMachine Learning
C2021Pish1Conference2021Process mining model to predict mortality in paralytic ileus patientsProcess Mining
C2021Thei1Conference2021Masking neural networks using reachability graphs to predict process eventsDeep Learning, Process Mining
C2021Thei2Conference2021On the Performance Analysis of the Adversarial System Variant Approximation Method to Quantify Process Model GeneralizationProcess Mining
J2021Harf1Journal2021Improving time series classification algorithms using octave-convolutional layersTimes Series Classification, Deep Learning
J2021Pyrr1Journal2021Predicting prolonged hospitalization and supplemental oxygenation in patients with COVID-19 infection from ambulatory chest radiographs using deep learningDeep Learning
C2021Dara1Conference2021Reporting the Progress and Latest Status of an Ongoing S-STEM ProjectEngineering Education
C2021Omit1Conference2021Low-Income, High-Achieving Students and Their Engineering Identity Development After One Year of Engineering SchoolEngineering Education
J2021Gala1Journal2021Predicting clinical outcomes among hospitalized COVID-19 patients using both local and published models
J2021Harf2Journal2021Generating adversarial samples on multivariate time series using variational autoencodersTime Series Classification
J2021Thei3Journal2021Improving the In-Hospital Mortality Prediction of Diabetes ICU Patients Using a Process Mining/Deep Learning ArchitectureProcess Mining, Deep Learning
J2021Pish2Journal2021REDECA: A Novel Framework to Review Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications in Occupational Safety and HealthArtificial Intelligence
J2020Harf1Journal2020Outcome Prediction of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest with Environmental Information Using Machine LearningMachine Learning
J2020Thei1Journal2020Adversarial System Variant Approximation to Quantify Process Model GeneralizationProcess Mining
J2020Kari1Journal2020Adversarial attacks on time seriesTime Series Classification
J2020Harf2Journal2020Adversarial attacks on multivariate time seriesTime Series Classification
C2020Siow1Conference2020An Integrated Program for Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of Academically Talented Low-Income Engineering StudentsEngineering Education
C2020Abia1Conference2020Implementation of an Introductory Engineering Course and its Impact on Students’ Academic Success and RetentionEngineering Education
C2019Thei2Conference2019Theis, Julian, Ilia Mokhtarian, and Houshang Darabi. "Process Mining of Programmable Logic Controllers: Input/Output Event Logs." IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) (2019).Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Process Mining
C2019Siow2Conference2019Yeow Siow, Michael Scott, Houshang Darabi, Farzad Mashayek. "A Faculty Retreat Model Featuring Collaborative and Active Learning." ASEE IL-IN Section Conference (2019). Engineering Education; Machine Learning
J2019Kari1Journal2019 Karim, Fazle, Somshubra Majumdar, and Houshang Darabi. "Insights into LSTM Fully Convolutional Networks for Time Series Classification." IEEE Access (2019). Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Classification
J2019Kari2Under Review - Journal2019 Karim, Fazle, Somshubra Majumdar, and Houshang Darabi. "Adversarial Attacks on Time Series." arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.10755 (2019). Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Classification, Adversarial Attacks
J2019Thei1Journal2019 Theis, Julian, and Houshang Darabi. "DREAM-NAP: Decay Replay Mining to Predict Next Process Activities." arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.05084 (2019). Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Process Mining
J2019Thei2Journal2019 Theis, Julian, and Houshang Darabi. "Behavioral Petri Net Mining and Automated Analysis for Human-Computer Interaction Recommendations in Multi-Application Environments." ACM (2019). Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Process Mining, Human Computer Interaction
J2019Harf1Journal2019Harford, Samuel, Houshang Darabi, Marina Del Rios, Somshubra Majumdar, Fazle Karim, Terry VandenHoek, Kim Erwin, and Dennis Watson. "A Machine Learning Based Model for Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Outcome Classification and Sensitivity Analysis." Resuscitation (2019). Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Health Care
C2019Siow1Conference2019Yeow Siow, Jamison Szwalek, Jonathan Komperda, Houshang Darabi, Farzad Mashayek. "A Critical Look at Mechanical Engineering Curriculum: Assessing the Need." ASEE IL-IN Section Conference (2019). Engineering Education; Machine Learning
C2019Naze1Conference2019Nazempour, Mrs Rezvan, and Houshang Darabi. "Execution Details and Assessment Results of a Summer Bridge Program for Engineering Freshmen."
J2019Kari3Journal2019Multivariate LSTM-FCNs for time series classificationNeural Networks, Time Series Classification
C2019Ashk1Conference2019A computer-aided system for determining the application range of a warfarin clinical dosing algorithm using support vector machines with a polynomial kernel function
C2019Dara2Conference2019Board 35: An Integrated Program for Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation of Academically Talented Low-income Engineering StudentsEngineering Education
C2019Thei3Conference2019Process mining of programmable logic controllers: Input/output event logsProcess Mining
C2019Kari4Conference2019A framework for accurate time series classification based on partial observationTime Series Classification
J2019Thei4Journal2019Decay replay mining to predict next process eventsProcess Mining, Deep Learning
C2019Reve1Conference2019Engineering identity profiles of low-SES, high-achieving incoming engineering studentsEngineering Education
J2019Dara3Journal2019Guest editorial for special issue on time series classificationTime Series Classification
C2018PISH1Conference2018Pishgar, Maryam, Fazle Karim, Somshubra Majumdar, and Houshang Darabi. "Pathological Voice Classification Using Mel-Cepstrum Vectors and Support Vector Machine." arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.07729 (2018).Healthcare; Machine Learning
J2018Martin1Journal2018Martin, Molly A., Melissa Gutierrez Kapheim, Kim Erwin, Stacy Ignoffo, Kate McMahon, Amy O'rourke, Lynn B. Gerald et al. "Childhood asthma disparities in Chicago: Developing approaches to health inequities." Family & community health41, no. 3 (2018): 135-Healthcare;
J2018Kanna1Journal2018Kannampallil, Thomas G., Robert McNutt, Suzanne Falck, William L. Galanter, Dave Patterson, Houshang Darabi, Ashkan Sharabiani et al. "Learning optimal opioid prescribing and monitoring: a simulation study of medical residents." JAMIA Open 1, no. 2 (2018)Healthcare;
J2018Kari1Journal2018Karim, Fazle, Somshubra Majumdar, Houshang Darabi, and Samuel Harford. "Multivariate lstm-fcns for time series classification." arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.04503 (2018).Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Classification
J2018Kari2Journal2018Karim, Fazle, Somshubra Majumdar, Houshang Darabi, and Shun Chen. "LSTM fully convolutional networks for time series classification." IEEE Access 6 (2018): 1662-1669.Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Classification
J2018Shara1Journal2018Sharabiani, Anooshiravan, Houshang Darabi, Samuel Harford, Elnaz Douzali, Fazle Karim, Hereford Johnson, and Shun Chen. "Asymptotic Dynamic Time Warping calculation with utilizing value repetition." Knowledge and Information Systems57, no. 2 (2018): 359-3Machine Learning,Time Series Classification
J2018Shara2Journal2018Sharabiani, Ashkan, Edith A. Nutescu, William L. Galanter, and Houshang Darabi. "A New Approach towards Minimizing the Risk of Misdosing Warfarin Initiation Doses." Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2018 (2018).Healthcare; Machine Learning
J2018Wang1Journal2018WANG, MICHAEL Y., ANTONIA CARL, KEN GOLDBERG, N. VISWANADHAM, PETER B. LUH, RICHARD VOLZ, FANTIE CHENG et al. "IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering." Science & Technology 852: 3469-2544.
J2017Shara4Journal2017Sharabiani, Anooshiravan, Houshang Darabi, Ashkan Rezaei, Samuel Harford, Hereford Johnson, and Fazle Karim. "Efficient classification of long time series by 3-d dynamic time warping." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47, no. 10Machine Learning, Time Series Classification
C2017Dara1Conference2017Darabi, Houshang, E. Douzali, F. S. M. Karim, S. T. Harford, and H. Johnson. "Life after university for engineering graduates." In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. 2017.Engineering Education; Machine Learning
C2017Dara2Conference2017Darabi, Houshang. "Beyond Grade Point Average and Standardized Testing: Incorporating a Socio-Economic Factor in Admissions to Support Minority Success."Engineering Education; Machine Learning
C2016Shara1Conference2016Sharabiani, Anooshiravan, Ashkan Sharabiani, and Houshang Darabi. "A novel Bayesian and Chain Rule Model on symbolic representation for time series classification." In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 10Engineering Education; Machine Learning
C2016Douz1Conference2016Douzali, E., and H. Darabi. "A case study for the application of data and process mining in intervention program assessment and improvement." In Proceedings of 123rd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, New OrEngineering Education; Machine Learning; Process Mining
C2016Dara1Conference2016Darabi, Houshang. "A Comparative Analysis of Underrepresented Engineering Applicants Ad-mission Practices and their Academic Performance at the University of Illi-nois at Chicago."Engineering Education; Machine Learning
J2015Shara1Journal2015Sharabiani, Ashkan, Adam Bress, Elnaz Douzali, and Houshang Darabi. "Revisiting warfarin dosing using machine learning techniques." Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 (2015).Healthcare; Machine Learning
M2014Jia1Magazine2014Jia, QingShan, Q. C. Zhao, Houshang Darabi, Gongsheng Huang, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Henrik Sandberg, and Karl Henrik Johansson. "Smart Building Technology (TC Spotlight)." IEEE robotics and automation magazine 21 (2014): 18-20.
M2014Tado1Magazine2014Tadokoro, Satoshi, Qing-Shan Jia, Qianchuan Zhao, Houshang Darabi, Gongsheng Huang, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Henrik Sandberg, and Karl Henrik Johansson. "Smart building technology [TC Spotlight]." IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 21, no. 2 (2014): 18-20.
C2014Shara1Conference2014Sharabiani, Ashkan, Fazle Karim, Anooshiravan Sharabiani, Mariya Atanasov, and Houshang Darabi. "An enhanced bayesian network model for prediction of students' academic performance in engineering programs." In 2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education ConferEngineering Education; Machine Learning
J2014Abde1Journal2014Abdelhameed, Magdy M., and Houshang Darabi. "Design of intelligent hybrid supervisory controller based on temporal neural networks and timing modules." International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 17, no. 1 (2014): 54-77.
C2013Shara1Conference2013Sharabiani, Ashkan, Houshang Darabi, Adam Bress, Larisa Cavallari, Edith Nutescu, and Katarzyna Drozda. "Machine learning based prediction of warfarin optimal dosing for African American patients." In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation ScienHealthcare; Machine Learning
C2012Rees1Conference2012Reese, Josh, Yong Wang, Lin Li, Houshang Darabi, Erik Osland, Mehmet S. Ozcan, Verna L. Baughman, and Guy Edelman. "Early warning system modeling for patient bispectral index prognosis in anesthesia and the operating room." In 2012 IEEE International ConfHealthcare; Machine Learning
C2012Shara1Conference2012Sharabiani, Ashkan, and Houshang Darabi. "Observation policies for patient and resource tracking in outpatient clinics." In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 532-537. IEEE, 2012.
C2011HajiConference2011Haji, Maryam, and Houshang Darabi. "A simulation case study: Reducing outpatient waiting time of otolaryngology care services using VBA." In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 525-530. IEEE, 2011.Healthcare; Simulation
J2011WangJournal2011Wang, Haisheng, Liviu Grigore, Ugo Buy, Mihai Lehene, and Houshang Darabi. "Enforcing periodic transition deadlines in time Petri nets with net unfoldings." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans41, no. 3 (2011): 522Process Mining
J2011Wigh1Journal2011Wightkin, Nicholas, Ugo Buy, and Houshang Darabi. "Formal modeling of sequential function charts with time Petri nets." IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 19, no. 2 (2011): 455-464.
C2010Schu1Conference2010Schuler, Francesca, and Houshang Darabi. "Supervisory control and data collection policies for a distribution center modeled as a discrete event system." In 2010 International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC), pp. 177-182. IEEE, 2010.
J2010Haji1Journal2010Haji, Maryam, and Houshang Darabi. "A single-period inventory model with inventory update decision: the newsboy problem extension." The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47, no. 5-8 (2010): 755-771.Manufacturing
J2009Bagh1Journal2009Baghdasaryan, Lusine, Houshang Darabi, Francesca Schuler, and Andreas Schaller. "A modelling and optimisation management tool for large-scale supply chain networks." International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 5, no. 1 (2009): 48-78.Supply chain; Manufacturing
J2009Abdel1Journal2009Abdelhameed, Magdy M., and Houshang Darabi. "Neural network based design of fault-tolerant controllers for automated sequential manufacturing systems." Mechatronics19, no. 5 (2009): 705-714.Manufacturing
C2009Haji1Conference2009Haji, Maryam, and Houshang Darabi. "A heuristic algorithm for schedule reconfiguration of projects during Execution." In 2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatics, pp. 400-405. IEEE, 2009.
C2009Dara1Conference2009Darabi, Houshang, William L. Galanter, Janet Yueh-Yun Lin, Ugo Buy, and Rupa Sampath. "Modeling and integration of hospital information systems with Petri nets." In 2009 IEEE/INFORMS International Conference on Service Operations, Logistics and Informatic
C2008Haji1Conference2008Haji, Maryam, Luca Agostoni, Paolo Gullo, Houshang Darabi, and Mauro Mancini. "An improved multi-mode resource allocation and project scheduling model." In 2008 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 365-370. IEEE, 2008.
J2008Samp1Journal2008Sampath, Rupa, Houshang Darabi, Ugo Buy, and Jing Liu. "Control reconfiguration of discrete event systems with dynamic control specifications." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 5, no. 1 (2008): 84-100.
C2008Haji2Conference2008Haji, M., L. Agostoni, P. Gullo, H. Darabi, and Mauro Mancini. "Modified Multi-Mode Resource Allocation Model in Project Management Environment." In 2008 IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 365-370. USA, 2008.
C2008Dara1Coference2008Darabi, H., M. Haij, Mauro Mancini, and Giorgio Locatelli. "A Petri Nets based approach to optimal Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problems." In 22nd International Project Management Association World Congress, pp. 1-6. 2008.
J2007Liu1Journal2007Liu, Hui, Houshang Darabi, Pat Banerjee, and Jing Liu. "Survey of wireless indoor positioning techniques and systems." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews) 37, no. 6 (2007): 1067-1080.
C2007Wang1Conference2007Wang, Haisheng, Liviu Grigore, Ugo Buy, and Houshang Darabi. "Enforcing transition deadlines in time Petri nets." In 2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA 2007), pp. 604-611. IEEE, 2007.
C2007Haji1Conference2007Haji, Maryam, and Houshang Darabi. "Petri net based supervisory control reconfiguration of project management systems." In 2007 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 460-465. IEEE, 2007.
J2007Haji1Journal2007Haji, Maryam, Rasoul Haji, and Houshang Darabi. "Price discount and stochastic initial inventory in the newsboy problem." (2007): 130-138.
C2006HajiConference2006Haji, Maryam, and Houshang Darabi. "The Effect of Information Update on Optimizing the Supply Chain Single Node Inventory Systems." In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, p. 1. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2006.Supply chain; Manufacturing
C2006Dara2Conference2006Darabi, Houshang, Lusine Baghdasaryan, Francesca Schuler, and Andreas Schaller. "The Effect of Information Accuracy on the Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance." In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, p. 1. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2006.
Supply chain; Manufacturing
J2006Dara1Journal2006Darabi, Houshang, Pat Banerjee, and Shun Liang. "Supervisory control framework for collaborative virtual manufacturing." International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1, no. 4 (2006): 429-445.Manufacturing
C2006Haji1Conference2006Haji, Maryam, and Houshang Darabi. "The Effect of Information Update on Optimizing the Supply Chain Single Node Inventory Systems." In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, p. 1. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2006.
J2006Mary1Journal2006Maryam, Haji, Wang Lei, Wong Yuet, and Darabi Houshang. "Renovation of mercy family health center." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39, no. 3 (2006): 665-670.
C2006Dara1Conference2006Darabi, Houshang, Lusine Baghdasaryan, Francesca Schuler, and Andreas Schaller. "The Effect of Information Accuracy on the Evaluation of Supply Chain Performance." In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, p. 1. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2006.
J2006Dara2Journal2006Darabi, Houshang. "Finite automata modelling and analysis of Workflow Management Systems." International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1, no. 3 (2006): 388-411.
C2005Liu1Conference2005Liu, Jing, Houshang Darabi, and Ugo Buy. "Optimization of control reconfiguration strategies." In 2005 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, vol. 2, pp. 6-pp. IEEE, 2005.
C2005Abde1Conference2005Abdelhameed, Magdy M., and Houshang Darabi. "Diagnosis and debugging of programmable logic controller control programs by neural networks." In IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2005., pp. 313-318. IEEE, 2005.
C2005Buy1Conference2005Buy, Ugo, Houshang Darabi, Mihai Lehene, and Vikram Venepally. "Supervisory control of time Petri nets using net unfolding." In 29th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'05), vol. 2, pp. 97-100. IEEE, 2005.
J2005Liu1Journal2005 Liu, Hui, Houshang Darabi, and Pat Banerjee. "A new rapid sensor deployment approach for first responders." Int. J. Intell. Control Syst 10, no. 2 (2005): 131-142.
C2005Buy2Conference2005Buy, Ugo, Mihai Lehene, and Houshang Darabi. "Latency-based supervisors for enforcing deadlines in time Petri nets." In 29th Annual IEEE/NASA Software Engineering Workshop, pp. 211-218. IEEE, 2005.
J2005Liu2Journal2005LIU, Jing, and Houshang DARABI. "Reconfiguration of Ladder Logic Diagrams with Dynamic Input Sets." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND SYSTEMS 10, no. 1 (2005): 94-106.
J2005Rozy1Journal2005Rozyyev, Azat, Halabi Hasbullah, Fazli Subhan, Z. H. Akpolat, M. Bouzenada, M. C. Batouche, Z. Telli et al. "Localization technologies for indoor human tracking." Research Journal of Information Technology 3, no. 2 (2005): 887-891.
C2005Scha1Conference2005Schaller, Andreas, Lusine Baghdasaryan, Francesca Ruffolo, and Houshang Darabi. "Experiences & Challenges in Creating Mathematical Optimization Models that Facilitate Simultaneous Product and Supply Chain Design." In IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, p. 1. Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE), 2005.
J2005Liu3Journal2005Liu, Jing, and Houshang Darabi. "Reconfiguration of Discrete Event System Controllers with Dynamic Sensing Set." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 38, no. 1 (2005): 128-133.
J2004Liu1Journal2004Liu, Jing, and Houshang Darabi. "Control reconfiguration of discrete event systems controllers with partial observation." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 34, no. 6 (2004): 2262-2272.
C2004Mana1Conference2004Manapure, Shomit S., Houshang Darabi, Vishal Patel, and Prashant Banerjee. "A comparative study of radio frequency-based indoor location sensing systems." In IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2004, vol. 2, pp. 1265-1270. IEEE, 2004.
J2004Samp1Journal2004Sampath, Rupa, and Houshang Darabi. "Control reconfiguration of hospital operations with dynamic resources." system 100: 9.
B2003Darab1Book Chapter2003Darabi, Houshang, and Mohsen A. Jafari. "Finite Automata Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chain Networks." In Scalable Enterprise Systems, pp. 65-99. Springer, Boston, MA, 2003.Supply chain; Manufacturing
J2003Dara1Journal2003Darabi, Houshang, Mohsen A. Jafari, and Shomit S. Manapure. "Finite automata decomposition for flexible manufacturing systems control and scheduling." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews) 33, no. 2 (2003): 168-175.Manufacturing
J2003Dara23Journal2003DARABI, Houshang, Mohsen A. JAFARI, and Shomit S. MANAPURE. "Special issue on intelligent techniques in flexible manufacturing systems: Finite Automata decomposition for flexible manufacturing systems control and scheduling." IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C, Applications and reviews 33, no. 2 (2003): 168-175.Manufacturing
A2003Dara1Article2003Buy, Ugo, and Houshang Darabi. "Sidestepping verification complexity with supervisory control." University of Illinois at Chicago (2003).
J2003Hamm1Journal2003Hammadi, Slim, and Christian Tahon. "Special issue on intelligent techniques in flexible manufacturing systems." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews) 33, no. 2 (2003): 157-158.
J2003Dara2Journal2003Darabi, Houshang, Mohsen A. Jafari, and Anna L. Buczak. "A control switching theory for supervisory control of discrete event systems." IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 19, no. 1 (2003): 131-137.
J2003Rozy1Journal2003Rozyyev, Azat, Halabi Hasbullah, Fazli Subhan, Z. H. Akpolat, P. Bahl, V. N. Padmanabhan, C. Y. Chen et al. "Migration behavior of polyester/viscose blended rotar spun yarns." Research Journal of Information Technology 4, no. 4 (2003): 887-891.
J2003Dara3Journal2003DARABI, Houshang, Mohsen A. JAFARI, and Shomit S. MANAPURE. "Special issue on intelligent techniques in flexible manufacturing systems: Finite Automata decomposition for flexible manufacturing systems control and scheduling." IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part C, Applications and reviews 33, no. 2 (2003): 168-175.
B2003Dara1Book2003Darabi, Houshang, and Mohsen A. Jafari. "Finite Automata Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chain Networks." In Scalable Enterprise Systems, pp. 65-99. Springer, Boston, MA, 2003.
C2002Jafa1Conference2002Jafari, M. A., H. Darabi, T. O. Boucher, and A. Amini. "A distributed discrete event dynamic model for supply chain of business enterprises." In Proceedings of WODES, pp. 279-285. 2002.Supply chain; Manufacturing
C2002Liu1Conference2002Liu, Jing, and Houshang Darabi. "Ladder logic implementation of Ramadge-Wonham supervisory controller." In Sixth International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2002. Proceedings., pp. 383-389. IEEE, 2002.
C2002Liu2Conference2002Liu, Jing, and Houshang Darabi. "Ramadge-Wonham supervisory control of mobile robots: lessons from practice." In Proceedings 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Cat. No. 02CH37292), vol. 1, pp. 670-675. IEEE, 2002.
C2002Dara1Conference2002Darabi, Houshang, Rupa Sampath, and David Naylor. "PLC formal control methodologies: Does academia supply what industry demands?." TECHNICAL PAPERS-ISA 422 (2002): 131-144.
J2001Bucz1Journal2001Buczak, Anna L., Henry Hui Wang, Houshang Darabi, and Mohsen A. Jafari. "Genetic algorithm convergence study for sensor network optimization." Information Sciences 133, no. 3-4 (2001): 267-282.
J2001Wang1Journal2001Wang, Xin, Zongxin Wang, and Bob O'Dea. "A TOA-based location algorithm reducing the errors due to non-line-of-sight (NLOS) propagation." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 52, no. 1 (2003): 112-116.
J2001Dara12001Darabi, Houshang. "Toward fault tolerant and re-configurable discrete event systems." (2001): 5495-5495.
C2000Bucz1Conference2000Buczak, Anna L., Houshang Darabi, and Mohsen Jafari. "Study on genetic algorithm convergence for sensor network optimization problem." In Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2000, pp. 1035-1039. 2000.
C2000Dara1Conference2000Darabi, Houshang, and Mohsen A. Jafari. "Adaptive supervisory control under sensor unavailability." In Proceedings 2000 ICRA. Millennium Conference. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Symposia Proceedings (Cat. No. 00CH37065), vol. 4, pp. 4115-4121. IEEE, 2000.
B2000Dara1Book2000Darabi, Houshang, and Mohsen A. Jafari. "A General Control Switching Framework for Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems." In Discrete Event Systems, pp. 345-353. Springer, Boston, MA, 2000.
C1999Bucz1Conference1999Buczak, Anna L., Yaochu Jin, Houshang Darabi, and Mohsen Jafari. "Genetic algorithm based sensor network optimization for target tracking." Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks 9 (1999): 349-354.
A1999Dara1Article1999Darabi, Houshang. "Supervisory Control Under Incomplete Plant Model."
C1998Dara1Conference1998Darabi, Houshang, and Mohsen A. Jafari. "Recovery analysis of supervisory control of discrete event systems." In SMC'98 Conference Proceedings. 1998 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Cat. No. 98CH36218), vol. 1, pp. 704-709. IEEE, 1998.
C1994Dara1Conference1994Darabi, H., and M. A. Jafari. "A zero-one programming of Petri nets to colored Petri net transformation." In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, pp. 25-31. IEEE, 1994.